
Buddhist Audio Books

Early Writings 1944-1954

Ibis Publications
By Sangharakshita
ISBN 978-1-909314-59-7
Read by Subhadra


 Ch1 The Unity of Buddhism

 Ch2 I Believe

 Ch3 The Bodhisattva Ideal

 Ch4 Dukkha, Anicca, Anatta

 Ch5 Krishna's Flute - the Poetry of Sarojini Naidu

 Ch6 Impressions of a Buddhist Country Today

 Ch7 Buddha,Dharma,Sangha

 Ch8 Critical Buddhism

 Ch9 A Visit to a Tibetan Monastery

 Ch10 Ideas Toward a History of Indian Philosophy

 Ch11 An Occidental Ear Listens to Indian Music

 Ch12 The Practice of the Presence of God

 Ch13 Brother Lawrence-A Study in Mysticism,Eastern & Western

 Ch14 Ramakrishna Mission in Malaya

 Ch15 A Modern View of Buddhism

 Ch16 Attavada and Anattavada

 Ch17 Prajna and Upaya

 Ch18 Buddhism-The Religion of Spiritual Experience

 Ch19 The Life of Service or the Life of Contemplation

 Ch20 Buddhism and Science

 Ch21 Progress and Religion

 Ch22 Buddhism-The Religion of Here and Now

 Ch23 Is Buddhism for Monks Only

 Ch24 Philosophy and Religion in Original and Developed Buddhism

 Ch25 A Note on Anatta

 Ch26 Is Religion Escapism

 Ch27 Is there Buddhism in India

 Ch28 Middle Path in Solution of World Peace Problem

 Ch29 The Question of Buddhist Films

 Ch30 Appendix-Three Poems

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