
Buddhist Audio Books

A Stream of Stars
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A Stream of Stars

Reflections and Aphorisms
By Sangharakshita
ISBN 978-1899579082
Read by Subhadra
Compiled by Abhaya
Introduction by Abhaya
Published by Windhorse Publications,1998
A Stream of Stars is a collection of aphorisms, poems and writings by the eminent Western Buddhist teacher Sangharakshita. Encompassing culture and society, relationships and the human condition, these incisive teachings illuminate many aspects of the spiritual life. With clarity, insight and flashes of humour, Sangharakshita provokes us to thought, and then to aspiration: an aspiration to true happiness and freedom.
Buddhism in Miniature
A Long Way to Go
The Courage of One's Positive Emotions
The Heat of the Furnace
The Real Revolutionary
No Last-Minute Methods
Friendship and Communication
The Circle of Eternity

An extract from A Stream of Stars

Nowadays people don't have friends. They have psychotherapists, lawyers and hairdressers.
The primary meaning of 'kalyana' in kalyana mitrata (spiritual friendship) is 'beautiful'. In spiritual friendship, we take delight in the spiritual beauty of our dear friend. This aspect of 'taking delight' means that we not only see a person AS a person, but also LIKE what we see. We enjoy and take delight in what we see, just as we do with a beautiful painting or poem - except that here, the painting or poem is alive: the painting can speak to you and the beautiful poem can answer back. This makes it very exciting and stimulating indeed.
For many people today morality amounts to not doing what we want to do, and doing what we don't want to do, because - for reasons we do not understand - we have been told to by someone in whose existence we no longer believe.

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