
Buddhist Audio Books

What is the Sangha?

The Nature of Spiritual Community
By Sangharakshita
ISBN 978-1899579310
Read by Tejasvini

 Pt 1, The Group & the Spiritual Community - Introduction

 Pt 1, Ch1 The Sangha Jewel

 Pt 1, Ch2 The Traditional Sangha

 Pt 1, Ch3 Individuality - the Essence of Sangha

 Pt 1, Ch4 The History of the Spiritual Community

 Pt 1, Ch5 The Group and the Spiritual Community

 Pt 1, Ch6 Authority

 Pt 1, Ch7 The Positive Group & the New Society

 Pt 1, Ch8 The Path of Dissatisfaction

 Pt 2, The True Individual - Introduction

 Pt 2, Ch9 The Evolution of the Individual

 Pt 2, Ch10 The Integrated Individual

 Pt 2, Ch11 Overcoming the Self

 Pt 2, Ch12 The Artist as the True Individual

 Pt 3, The Network of Personal Relationships - Introduction

 Pt 3, Ch13 Being a Buddhist Parent

 Pt 3, Ch14 Is a Guru Necessary

 Pt 3, Ch15 Fidelity

 Pt 3, Ch16 The Meaning of Friendship

 Pt 3, Ch17 Buddhism and Business Relationships

 Pt 3, Ch18 Non-exploitation

 Pt 3, Ch19 Gratitude

 Conclusions Ch20 A Buddhist View of Current World Problems

 Conclusions Ch21 Buddhism and Western Society

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