
Buddhist Audio Books

Dharma Training Course Year Three

The Triratna Dharma Training Course for Mitras offers a comprehensive four-year course in Buddhism and meditation.
By Triratna Buddhist Community
ISBN 1326873512
Read by Subhadra

 Part 1 - Week 1 The Ariyapariyesana Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 2 The Garava Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 3 The Mahanama Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 4 The Kamala Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 5 The Mangala Sutta

 Part 1 - Weel 6 The Karaniya Metta Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 7 The Kosambiya Sutta

 Part 1 - Week 8 The Culagosinga Sutta

 Part 1 - Appendix - An Overview of the Pali Canon

 Part 2 - Week 1 Dhammapada - The Essential Revolution

 Part 2 - Week 2 Dhammapada - Changing Hatred into Love

 Part 2 - Week 3 Dhammapada - Mindfulness is The Way to The Deathless

 Part 2 - Week 4 Dhammapada - Seeing with Insight

 Part 2 - Week 5 Dhammapada - Flowers - Verses 44 - 59

 Part 2 - Week 6 Dhammapada - The Enlightened One verses 179-187

 Part 2 - Week 7 Dhammapada - The Enlightened One verses 188-196

 Part 2 - Week 8 Dhammapada - Spiritually Immature & Mature

 Part 3 - Week 1 A Reflective Life

 Part 3 - Week 2 Learning from Experience

 Part 3 - Week 3 Dwelling on a Topic

 Part 3 - Week 4 Reading Reflectively

 Part 3 - Week 5 Imagining The Buddha

 Part 3 - Week 6 Contemplating Reality

 Part 3 - Appendix - The Buddhanussati Practice

 Part 4 - Week 1 The Roots of the Mayana

 Part 4 - Week 2 The Madhyamaka & the Prajna-Paramita Sutras

 Part 4 - Week 3 The Prajna-Paramita Sutras, Part 1

 Part 4 - Week 4 The Prajna-Paramita Sutras, Part 2

 Part 4 - Week 5 The Yogacara

 Part 4 - Week 6 The Tathagatagarbha (Buddha-Essence) Doctrine

 Part 5 - Week 1 Introduction. Origin of Bodhisattva Ideal

 Part 5 - Week 2 The Awakening of the Bodhi Heart

 Part 5 - Week 3 The Bodhisattva Vow

 Part 5 - Week 4 Altruism & Individualism in the Spiritual Life

 Part 5 - Week 5 'Masculinity' and 'Femininity' in the Spiritual Life

 Part 5 - Week 6 On the Threshold of Enlightenment

 Part 5 - Week 7 The Bodhisattva Hierarchy

 Part 5 - Week 8 The Buddha and The Bodhisattva

 Part 6 - Week 1 The Universal Perspective of Mahayana Buddhism

 Part 6 - Week 2 The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment

 Part 6 - Week 3 Transcending the Human Predicament

 Part 6 - Week 4 The Myth of the Return Journey

 Part 6 - Week 5 Symbols of Life and Growth

 Part 6 - Week 6 Five Element Symbolism and the Stupa

 Part 6 - Week 7 The Jewel in the Lotus

 Part 6 - Week 8 The Archetype of the Divine Healer

 Part 7 - Week 1 Introduction. Life & Qualities of the Buddha

 Part 7 - Week 2 Mindfulness of the Buddha and His Qualities

 Part 7 - Week 3 The Language of Images

 Part 7 - Week 4 Sraddha

 Part 7 - Week 5 Exploring Lucid Faith

 Part 7 - Week 6 The Place of Faith in the Buddhist Tradition

 Part 7 - Week 7 Imagination and the Spiritual Life

 Part 7 - Week 8 Imagination in Practice and a Final Puja

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