
Buddhist Audio Books

Dharma Training Course Year Two

The Triratna Dharma Training Course for Mitras offers a comprehensive four-year course in Buddhism and meditation.
By Triratna Buddhist Community
ISBN 9781326876562
Read by Subhadra

 Part 1 - Week 1 The Noble Eightfold Path - Perfect Vision

 Part 1 - Week 2 Perfect Emotion

 Part 1 - Week 3 Perfect Speech

 Part 1 - Week 4 Perfect Action

 Part 1 - Week 5 Perfect Livelihood

 Part 1 - Week 6 Perfect Effort

 Part 1 - Week 7 Perfect Awareness

 Part 1 - Week 8 Perfect Samadhi

 Part 2 - Week 1 The Endless Round -The 12 Links

 Part 2 - Week 2 The Spiral Path

 Part 2 - Week 3 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 1

 Part 2 - Week 4 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 2

 Part 2 - Week 5 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 3

 Part 2 - Week 6 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 4

 Part 2 - Week 7 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 5

 Part 2 - Week 8 Revering and Relying Upon the Dharma, Part 6

 Part 3 - Week 1 Introduction

 Part 3 - Week 2 The Mandala of Integration

 Part 3 - Week 3 Positive Emotion

 Part 3 - Week 4 The Mandala of Positive Emotion

 Part 3 - Week 5 Spiritual Death

 Part 3 - Week 6 The Mandala of Spiritual Death

 Part 3 - Week 7 Spititual Rebirth

 Part 3 - Week 8 The Mandala of Spiritual Rebirth

 Part 3 - Week 9 Spontaneous Compassionate Activity

 Part 4 - Week 1 The Four Mind-Turning Reflections - An Introduction

 Part 4 - Week 2 The Preciousness and Rarity of Human Life

 Part 4 - Week 3 The Transitoriness of Life and the Certainty of Death

 Part 4 - Week 4 Karma and the Consequences of our Actions

 Part 4 - Week 5 The Defects and Dangers of Samsara

 Part 4 - Week 6 The Levels and Aspects of Going for Refuge

 Part 5 - Week 1 The Way of Mindfulness - Introduction

 Part 5 - Week 2 Introduction to the Body Contemplations

 Part 5 - Week 3 Introduction to Vedana

 Part 5 - Week 4 What You Dwell on, You Become

 Part 5 - Week 5 Introduction to Citta

 Part 5 - Week 6 A Penny for your Thoughts

 Part 5 - Week 7 Contemplation of Dhammas - Conditionality, and the Awakening Factors

 Part 5 - Week 8 Keep Calmly Knowing Change

 Part 5 - Appendix- A Talk on Satipatthana Sutta

 Part 6 - Week 1 What is the Sangha - Exploring Spiritual Community

 Part 6 - Week 2 The Traditional Sangha and the History of the Spiritual Community

 Part 6 - Week 3 Individuality - the Essence of the Sangha

 Part 6 - Week 4 The Group, the Positive Group, and the Spiritual Community

 Part 6 - Week 5 Effective Going for Refuge and the Third Order of Consciousness

 Part 6 - Week 6 Is a Guru Necessary

 Part 6 - Week 7 The Meaning of Friendship

 Part 6 - Week 8 Fidelity and Gratitude

 Part 7 - Week 1 A Living Tradition - Sangharakshita and the Story of Triratna

 Part 7 - Week 2 The Movement-Early Days

 Part 7 - Week 3 Sangharakshita - Other Aspects, Poetry, Character, Controversy

 Part 7 - Week 4 The Movement - Creating a New Society

 Part 7 - Week 5 The Movement - India

 Part 7 - Week 6 Your Local Sangha

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